Collision Subliminale
Perpendicular Diptych
Acrylic and styrofoam on wood panels, 48” x 40” 2020

Le Navire de l’énergie noire Acrylique sur bois, 40”x36” 2018
L’Abreuvoir des Psilocybines Acrylique sur toile, 12”x12” 2019

Acrylic on wood panel, 36”x36” 2020

No. 9
Acrylic painted on canvas by mop, cut and pasted on wood panel, 48” x 96” 2020

OP no.1
Acrylic on wood panel, 24” x 24” 2020

Without You
Acrylic on wood panel, 8' x 4'

Experimentation Physique
Acrylic on shaped canvas, 30" x 30"

Walk in the Woods
Acrylic on canvas panels,
90” x 33” 2021


Terracotta Abstraction
Glazed Ceramic, 20” tall 2019

Unfired Clay Project: The Cages We Build Ourselves Terracotta on metal wires 29” x 29” x 84” 2019

Abstract Vessels
Terracotta Ceramic sculpture, 12” tall 2020

Dream No.2
Modular construction of light and paper Ink, light and watercolor on paper, 30” x 24” 2020

Emotional Drawings, Psychedelic Flowers (research)
Ink on paper 2020

I Am Really Busy Right Now
Ink, collage on paper, 28” x 22” 2021

The Light
Drawing using space as a material
5' x 5' 2021